Kind Words

I was looking for a doula to support me during the last stages of my pregnancy and especially during birth. I found in Kim alot of support and acceptance of which ever way of birth I'd prefer to choose, considering previous experiences, insecurities but also overcoming fears.

She helped me embrace my wishes but also brought me good thoughts amd new ways of thinking.

I felt really respected and empowered!

Kim was essential in my birth/labour experience, supporting me and my partner with alot of strength, self confidence and love. She definitely made a difference for our memories of Pedro's birth. We're forever grateful!

Clara and Mauricio

Thank you very much for your support during the birth of our son and being part of this magical moment. Our life has changed massively in a possitive way and we love it so much being parents to our son. Wishing you the best in your path of helping mothers and partners during birth, So powerful!


We wouldn’t have been able to have our home birth without Kim. She provided so much support before, during and after the birth. But really it’s a two person job to support someone in labour and Kim and my partner could support each other in the role of supporting me. Kim held the space so beautifully, she was always there for me when I needed her. It made such a difference to have that kind of support, especially when its your first child and you have never had a home birth. She brought so much wisdom and experience and was able to guide using her instincts. I can’t thank Kim enough for being part of our birth journey and I’d recommend her to anyone looking for a doula.


“Olivia and I were gifted two Doula sessions by friends at a baby shower. We weren’t really sure what to expect but Kim was brilliant at talking through options and things we could do. As a birth partner I felt a bit unsure about getting a Doula as in some ways I felt like it was encroaching on my role in the birth however, Kim was brilliant at keeping me involved in the sessions and provided support and advice both for Olivia and myself in our roles in the birth. We had quite a stressful birth and having the session with Kim to talk through our experiences and emotions was incredibly cathartic and allowed us to acknowledge how we felt and come to terms with our experience.

Kim provided practical advice, emotional support and empathy and love throughout our time with her. I think a Doula really is such a valuable and essential service to the community and something more people should do/invest in! “

- Joe

I immediately felt at ease in Kim's calm and gentle presence. At every stage she was a crucial backbone to my birth experience - listening without judgement and helping me to navigate, reflect and process what turned out to be a complex and difficult time. She was always on the other end of the phone to give unwavering support and was a constant reasuring precense to both me and my partner. Postnatally she helped me debrief my birth and went above and beyond to support me to gently transition into motherhood.

Jesse Meadows

I am so grateful to Kim for facilitating a gorgeous mother blessing for me. Having supported me throughout my birth journey, she tailormade a ceremony with lovely activities and beautiful words to mark my transition into motherhood, surrounded by my supportive friends. After she left they didn't stop singing her praises!

Jesse Meadows


Upon meeting Kim with the view to her being our doula, I knew immediately it was the right decision. She radiates warmth, compassion and a deep empathy that carried us through the whole experience.

The pre birth meet ups were relaxed and informal which made is easy to talk and open up. She is a great listener, taking time to understand our previous birth experiences, as experienced by myself and my partner. The knowledge and experience she shared reaffirmed my own ideas for how I wanted to birth.

With her, I was able to move much more courageously through the different stages of birth and felt empowered to make the right decisions when the time came.
I really liked the resources she provided along the way, from the positive birthing cards we used to talk about different birthing options to the inspiring and empowering books.

Looking back I know I will always feel incredibly blessed to have had Kim as my doula and she will forever be a huge part of our birthing story.

— Jenny Brough, Out There Bristol Kindergarten

I am so grateful for the help and support I received from Kim during my pregnancy and birth. It was a huge comfort to have someone at the end of the phone to talk things through with and get reassurance from. My family were shielding due to Covid and Kim worked around my needs, providing me with resources and information even without us actually being able to be near each other! I had a very set idea about how I wanted my birth to be and Kim helped me to feel more comfortable when everything didn’t go the way I had imagined in my head. I had a hugely positive and empowering birth and having someone to listen to my concerns and talk me through my thought processes in the run up to the birth definitely helped ease my anxieties. It was also very helpful for my mum (who was my birth partner) to know that Kim was available if she needed any help.



 Kim is such a wonderful doula, I highly recommend her. We hired her to support postnatally after our first baby was born while we were settling in and then when my partner was back at work. She helped us adjust to the change of having a baby and have support as our families live far away. Kim was regularly taking care to check in with my emotional needs as I gave birth in quite a dramatic way and was in shock for some weeks after. She is kind and easy company and this felt perfect to have her around at such a vulnerable time for me. Thankfully breastfeeding went smoothly, though I feel if i needed support in that area kim would have helped. She gave great tips for baby care too. She supported with things practically - looking after the baby so I could rest, she cooked such tasty meals, both fresh and for the freezer, she helped with laundry as well as made a bit of a ceremony for myself and my partner to mark us becoming parents.

- Daniella Dean

 Kim is just the perfect doula! We enlisted Kim’s help for the birth of our second child after a difficult time with the birth of our first child as we were naturally quite anxious and worried. Kim did an excellent job in supporting me and my husband in our pre-natal, natal and post-natal journey so that we felt relaxed and prepared throughout even when things didn’t quite go to plan. Kim had many great ideas to make our journey easier but importantly also listened to what we wanted. I have not hesitated in recommending her to others.

  • Glynda and Tom

 Kim Ives was our doula for the birth of our first child in January 2022. Before meeting Kim we were not sure where we would have our baby, were apprehensive about the birth process and knew we needed the support of an experienced specialist to help us navigate our journey to parenthood. Kim was a wonderful part of our team and supported us with kindness and generosity throughout our experience. She has a wealth of knowledge and provided us with lots of practical advice at every stage. We felt very empowered working with Kim and she always made us feel like we were doing amazingly! She was there at our birth and as a result of her presence we had a beautiful home birth. She was there every step of the way and made a potentially tough 17 hours of labour feel entirely calm and relaxed. I am so grateful to Kim for holding such a warm and loving space for us. I would not hesitate to recommend Kim as a doula and cannot thank her enough for everything she did for all of us!

- Kate McGregor